Since it looks like rehearsal period will be quite short this season with my absence during the first part of November, I've chosen to stick with songs that are already familiar to most returning Carolers.
I've uploaded the
accompaniment audio tracks here. This will open up to a Google Drive folder containing individual tracks and an "
Oxford" file containing all the tracks as a single download.
You should notice that nearly all songs have an (all) version as well as (S), (A), (T), and (B) versions.
- (all) - All four parts at equal volume
- (S) - Soprano emphasized
- (A) - Alto emphasized
- (T) - Tenor emphasized
- (B) - Bass emphasized
The exception is Sussex Carol in which verses 1, 2 and 4 are in (SA) and (TB) combinations and verse 3 is separated into all four.
Please also note that the tempos are generally slower than what will be used to perform. The ending of the Carol of the Bells is somewhat rushed because I didn't have the time to precisely work out and record the holds and ritardandos properly for each track. I hope you understand.
Here is the revised song list for 2015.
- Carol of the Bells
- Caroling, Caroling
- Cold December's Winds
- Gloucestershire Wassail
- I Saw Three Ships
- Milford
- Rocking
- Sing We Now of Christmas
- Sussex Carol